Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Gettin fine for 09

Slappin: Mikioi: Together Forever

Hey there,

Wow, it's been a HOT minute since I've been on here. These past couple of months have been EXTREMELY hard on me. I've had a lot of sad moments, but things are finally starting to look up. So, that is why I haven't posted any blogs. Plus, ballin' on a budget hasn't let me do haulage in a long time. So, now I'm just workin' and rockin' what I have.

Sorry, but this blog will not be make-up related. Do you guys walk or run for exercise, but hate when you get bit by bugs? I started walking on the regular about five months ago. I wanted to take advantage my new neighborhood and my dogs need exercise. Plus, I just like to be active and I don't have to pay a bill to the gym. Haaaay now! So, I went walking about two weeks ago. Typically, when I walk it's about two hours and eqivalent to 6 miles. Now, that it's summer I like to wear shorts out, because it's hot and I sweat. When I came back from my walk, I was PISSED! I found 3 bug bites on my left leg and 3 on my right. So, I decided to check out a bug spray to see if that would help me, because there is no way I'm going to wear sweats out. I want to tan my legs. haha..

- Can be purchased at pretty much any store.
- The smell isn't bad at all.
- This a very inexpensive product. (I got a value pack at Safeway for around 8 bucks.)
- This product works to keep all bugs away.


I'm going to try to run tonight. Wish me luck! Let me know if you want me to do more fitness posts. I think I'll do this more often, because I love reading tips/tricks on how to stay fit. Do any of you dance out there, because I was going to do a blog about "dancer must haves". Let me know.

Stay blessed!


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